Learning Abstract Symbolic Mathematics Through Digital Games
Project Description
Over the past years a considerable amount of time has been dedicated to researching the effects of video games on learning. Video games, as extremely engaging experiences, could perhaps provide a productive learning environment to better understand concepts that are challenging to grasp. Mathematics provides one example of such a subject due to its high level of abstraction. A considerable number of video games have been developed to teach students basic mathematical concepts, yet, teaching more advanced mathematics remains a major challenge. Afrooz’s research project explores ways to incorporate high school mathematics in video games and illustrate the applications of those concepts by putting them in to practice within a game environment.

Afrooz holds a B.Sc. degree in Geomatics Engineering and has professional experience in data and visual analytics and tutoring mathematics. Her passion for empowering younger generations with STEM skills motivated her to develop a series of math education video games for her master’s thesis, which focuses on learning abstract symbolic mathematics through video games.