A Misinformation Blueprint
april de zen
Project Description
This project works to develop a ‘blueprint’ of misinformation shown through a visual ecosystem of information disorder and a system map of communication media. Through the research process seven drivers of misinformation and misperceptions were identified. These drivers have been fashioned into an interactive component to allow visitors to click on each highlighted driver to reveal a video and research sources. The system map component is used to draw attention to two things: (1) Where the drivers of misinformation/misperceptions have the potential to materialize and (2) The channels of communication which are subject to different valves of control.

April De Zen is a creative strategist with over ten years of experience in retail design and creative leadership. She is currently pursuing her Master’s in Digital Futures at OCAD U, where she is developing skills in interactive design, systems mapping, physical computing, data visualization, and foresight methods. Her research focuses on the spread of misinformation across platforms online, and she hopes to create conversation around its challenges and potential interventions through an interactive installation. April has also worked with the Super O Lab and the Visual Analytics Lab at OCADU as a user interface designer and data visualizer.