air + water
georgina yeboah
Project Description
Air + Water is an interactive installation system that uses population of a space, the characteristics of air and breath pressure to create its visualizations. It is designed for a leisure experience where users can enjoy and understand the significance of their participation. Users can blow into custom-made bubble wands to generate variety-sized bubbles on a blank virtual canvas. Upon popping, watercolours form in their place, merging the properties of the user’s breath and bubble into a new single form of expression. The hues of the watercolours are random, however Air + Water’s visualization behaviour logic is affected by the number of people interacting with it. If it detects only one person in its space, only cooler watercolour stains such as blues and greens will appear. If two or more users are detected, warmer colours such as yellow and red will appear much more frequently.

Georgina Yeboah is an interaction designer, researcher and web-comic artist from Toronto Ontario. She holds a BFA in New Media at Ryerson University and is completing her MDes at OCADU. Yeboah had been working on hybrid VR-design systems for 4 years at Synesthetic Media Lab until she decided to expand her interests to less restrictive uses and devices of digital engagement. Yeboah focuses on interactivity within digital and physical spaces and aims to create meaningful experiences for users through sensory-input data, customary tools, and complimentary visuals. Yeboah works as an RA at the Adaptive Context Awareness Lab for context-design research.