Envisioning Autonomy
Greg Martin
Project Description
Autonomous vehicles are just around the corner. Though they offer significant potential in improving road safety, self-driving cars are not a cure-all for the problems posed by modern navigation. Substantial ethical, legal, and operational questions remain. In advocating from an informed position, we improve our ability to influence their answers.
Envisioning Autonomy is a collection of discursive design objects that function partly as visual guide to self-driving and partly as prompt for necessary dialogue about this technology: How do these machines calculate who is worthy of survival when accidents are unavoidable? How do we prevent the continual erosion of space given to pedestrians in urban spaces? Can these devices be incorporated into our ways of life, or will they dictate the form and function of our future cities?

Greg Martin is a designer and web developer based in Toronto. He uses programming techniques to create information visualizations that bridge the gap between large datasets and compelling stories. His practice focuses on the ways we relate to and navigate space, especially in the urban built environment. Greg has a passion for transit mapping and hand lettering and aims to develop his career in environmental graphic design.