Our Sacrifice of Choice
Project Description
Advanced segmentation and customisation are often touted as the future of experiential marketing, and comes in the form of personalised experiences, tailored search results, and recommendations on what to do based on past behaviour and traits. The personalisation is achieved through the deployment of algorithms that observe and extract scraped information to abstract what it deems to be relevant. Issues of interest include what is considered normal and who determines it, the effects of the mass adoption, and the subtle control on the various levels of societies.
This research critically examines our relationship with technology, our tendencies to customise experiences for ourselves, and introduces a new term, hypervolition, which is defined as inability of consciousness to distinguish our true desires and choices, from our algorithmically deduced and imposed desires and choices. I define the Jevinian Orders and Phases related to this term, and creatively express the concepts through the artworks.

Jevi is a researcher, developer and emerging experimental inter-disciplinary artist. Her research-creation practice explores our individual and societal relationships with technology, privacy, governance, immersion and speculative fiction. Jevi is a Honours Business Informatics B.ASc. McMaster University graduate, and studied Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (PCert) at MIT.
She completed a study of Art & Design at the GBC School of Design graduating with honours, and also studied Digital Media at OCAD University. Jevi is currently completing an MFA in Digital Futures at OCAD University, where she served on the Senate, and several of its subcommittees. She is a member of OCADU Board of Governors, is dedicated to the betterment of communities, and was recently awarded the OCAD University Excellence in Student Leadership Award, and appointed as a Member At-Large for the College Art Association Annual Conference Committee.