Open Source Maker Hardware Platform

Juan Sulca


Project Description

The TinkerPod is an Open-Source hardware platform designed to appeal to makers, creative coders, and designers by providing a hackable and customizable hardware platform with an uncommon approach. Inspired by the evolution of multitools and influenced by contemporary devices like the Flipper Zero and SQRT, this project explores the application of critical making, and personal fabrication to Open-Source hardware. The TinkerPod aims to bridge the gap between specialized engineering tools and accessible, user-friendly hardware for creative and technical exploration.


Juan is a maker, technologist, coder, tape expert, and designer with a background in Computer Science and 6 years of experience as a software engineer. He has worked across various industries, applying and developing his technical expertise while contributing to diverse projects. Passionate about coding and making—particularly electronics and physical computing—Juan explores the intersection of technology and human experience. He is deeply interested in understanding how technology shapes our lives and influences our interactions with the environment around us.