Cybernetic Interaction

Jun Li


Trends Towards Piety - Banner

Project Description

‘Cybernetic Interaction’ is a prototype that aims to better understand a unique mode of interaction by applying cybernetic theory. It is considering a form of participant engagement and showing a remote experience of participants by getting a real-time response from the social media platform. The core research of this project concentrates on the overlapping field of two main parts, cybernetic theory and interactivity which is discussed to explore the possibilities of interactive art by merging modern technology. In this project, audience participants and observers are able to observe the reaction chain and feedback while this tool aims to bridge remote participants and observers to engage in the feedback loop and create a new layer of interaction and conversation. It features a modified Tweeting experience with an embedded communication system. It engages remote participants in a different way and allows them to share the interactive experience around the results of the artworks.

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‘Aisha’ - Personal Game


Jun Li is an Interactive Media Developer, Creative Technologist and Maker. He is a candidate for a Master of Design in Digital Futures at OCAD University with holding two bachelor’s degrees in Art and Technology and Accounting at Roy Ascott's Technoetic Arts Studio, Shanghai Institute of Visual and Arts, and Shanghai University of International Business and Economics. After working internationally in the interactive and immersive industry for 3+ years, he is obsessed with emerging technology and profoundly specialized in interactive system/installation production. He has a large catalogue of skills, knowledge and experience ranging from TouchDesigner, Notch, Arduino, Soldering, Interactive Technologies, etc. Most of his works frequently show at the intersection of art, technology and interaction. His academic and practice research interests cover areas of Cybernetic, Interactivity, Creative Programming, Physical Computing, Virtual Production, Rapid Prototyping and Experiential Design.