Creating synesthetic experiences through an audio-visual web interaction
Maria Shirokova
Project Description
This research focuses on creating audio-visual web interaction inspired by the synesthetic experience. It explores the role of metaphor as a conversational tool and approach in the multimodal digital space. This project’s outcome is a web application Can You Hear Your Drawing?, that enables an empathic dialogue between people who experience audio-visual synesthesia and those who are eager to learn about it. This app aims to allow synesthetes to explain their audiovisual perceptions to a non-synesthete user and expand the non-synesthetes’ understanding of audio-visual compositions. With this tool, users can map their audio and visual senses’ associations by documenting and sharing them in the digital environment. Each user has a chance to create their library of audiovisual pieces and share their perceptions with others.

Maria (Masha) is a multidisciplinary designer and artist. Her practise is centered around creating appealing interactive experiences and visuals that connect with people. Masha’s current research surrounds communication through metaphorical connections of audio with visual. She is focused on building an interactive creative tool for exploring sensory metaphors and correlations, which can expand users’ understanding of senses and enable them to see the unfamiliar in the ordinary.