systems oriented disruptions
Toward a Design, Art, and Practice of Multitopological Spatiotemporal Hyperlinked Gigamaps
orus mateo castano suarez
Project Description
How can art and design resist urgent systemic injustice by shaping the ways we understand complex information? In Systems Oriented Disruption, Castaño-Suárez responds to this question with three nine-minute installations: the futurist user interface design Torus vs Silos, the deep history sonification Song Within a Sacrifice Zone 2, and the call for critical wellness Failure to Produce.
Torus vs Silos
Video projection, soundscape, 9’00”
Castaño-Suárez's research-creation UI futurism imagines designs inspired by Vedic sacred geometry and emerging generative artificial intelligence technology brought together by the interdisciplinary systemic design practice of gigamapping. The video projection captures Castaño-Suárez’s vision for a multitopological spatiotemporal hyperlinked gigamap interface. In presenting Torus vs Silos Castaño-Suárez affirms that art can be a site of scientific innovation.
Song Within a Sacrifice Zone
Video projection, soundscape, 9’00”
In their second iteration of Song Within a Sacrifice Zone, Castaño-Suárez centers the Earth as agent with this sonification of the deep history of climate change in the environment-human relationship. The soundscape is visually accompanied by a network graph analysis of the Sixth Assessment Report written by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Failure to Produce
Video projection, soundscape, 9’00”
Failure to Produce interrogates how capitalist measures of production shape mental health diagnoses and calls for a critical wellness as resistance. As an audible intervention, Failure to Produce asks the visitor to listen deeply for the unheard. As visible intervention, it projects a network graph analysis of themes in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders (DSM). The video projection centers people buried nameless in medical history for their own ‘failure to produce.’ This piece was commissioned by curator Sara Dagovic and first presented at the Body of Aesthetics exhibition.
Sound Samples Used:
Song Within A Sacrifice Zone 2
Dauzakobza, Natural Wind – Winter Blizzard Howling
Shilry Spikes, Natures Wrath – Iceberg Breaks Ice Crackling Collapsing
Ivo Vicic, Ice Cold – Ice Blocks on Wet Ice Cover
Alexander Kopeikin, Natural Elements – Iceberg Breaking Away
Nick McMahan, Nourishing Nature – Frozen Lake Ice Swooshing Cracking
Ivo Vicic, Ice Cold – Ice Blocks Flowing Under Ice Cover
Unrealsfx, Extreme Climate – Underwater Earthquake Thud Swirling Rocks Erupting
Bleep & Break, Alaska – Glacier Close Up Ice Melting Water Dripping Ice Fragments Falling
Nick McMahan, Nourishing Nature – Melting Ice Dripping
Ivo Vicic, Bora Wind – Strong Wind Blowing Through Grass
Ivo Vicic, Bora Wind – Forest Strong Wind Dead Leaves Rustilng
Sam Fourie, Epic Disasters – Sudden Avalanche Ricks Shifting Rumbling
OG SoundFX, Boom – Earthquake Landside Crushing Trees
DT Sound, Ambience Central – Server Room Room Tone
BOOM Library, Cinematic Nature Deep Earthquake Rumbling and Shaking
Stefano Trezzi, Retro Interface – Spaceship Computer Scanning
Sound Ideas, Explosion 5
Sound Ideas, Explosion 1
Dauzkobza, Natural Countryside – Windy Flames Soft Fire
Dauzkobza, Natural Countryside – Crackling Embers
Bjorn Lynne, Flameable – Forest Fire Burning Crackling
Unrealsfx, Extreme Climate – Firestorm Wildfire Cataclysm
Omnibit Sound, Nature of Japan – Rain on Village Street
Failure to Produce
Artlist Original, Smooth ASMR – Woman Speech Gibberish
Flaviu Ciocan, This is Cinema – High Pitch Ring
Stefano Trezzi, Modular Textures – Dystopian Whispers and Piano Keys
Phil Michalski, Hacking – Computer Short Sequence Digital Click
Phil Michalski, Hacking – Updating System Software Data Transfer
Giacomo Maraboli, Writing, Pen on Paper Fast Strokes
Artlist Original, Deep Impact, Deep Low Impact
Artlist Original, Tech Glitch – Sonar Ping
Udi Zisser, Timeless Transfers – Reverse Cymbal Riser Pulsing Tone Reverb

Orus Mateo Castaño-Suárez is an award-winning researcher, artist, and designer. The place where they belong is Treaty 13, Toronto, Canada. Their research expands the possibilities of spatial interfaces for systemic design. As an artist and curator, Castaño-Suárez’s work has been exhibited and discussed at Harvard University, in addition to the University of Toronto, York University, OCAD University, McMaster University, and the Gallery at Mason Studio. Castaño-Suárez is a founding member of the Institute of Equitable Design and Justice, and the Metaresearch Systemic Design Working Group. Their work on AI, interface, topic modelling, and climate science knowledge translation can be found at