Electronic Textiles: A Tangible Interface for Virtual Reality
Project Description
Shreeya’s research project investigates the development of an experimental tangible electronic textile (e-textile) interface to a virtual reality experience using human computer interaction (HCI) approaches. The e-textiles interface is an ‘unconventional controller’ that controls a virtual object (3D visual asset) within a Virtual Reality space. Further, this research has been contained within the context of HCI using the framework of Tangible User Interfaces and within this area of study, the series of interfaces explored are composed of electronic textiles (e-textiles) that represent and control single 3D visual assets in Virtual Reality. Through this research Shreeya attempts to understand human touch as related to tangible objects (passive haptics) and how it overlaps with human sight (vision) in Virtual Reality. This has been done using the framework of Tangible User Interfaces and applying the considerations set by the framework to create explorative interfaces. The data collected using Research Through Design methodology from this study has then been applied to an interactive and exploratory piece in textiles that attempts to bridge the gap between physical and virtual worlds using the haptic-visual overlap.

Shreeya Tyagi originates from India and has lived and travelled in many different countries. Shreeya holds a diploma in Textile Design from the National Institute of Design (NID) in Ahmedabad, India, and a post graduate degree in Textile Science from College of Textiles (COT) at North Carolina State University in the United States. Shreeya is interested in working within a space where design and technology overlap. Shreeya’s research interest at OCADU is a confluence of e-textile and virtual reality.