Bonding Over Distances
Building Social Presence Using Mixed Reality for Transnational Families
Project Description
Motivated by the challenges faced in transnational family communication and a curiosity about the potential of mixed-reality (MR) technology, this study investigates how we can utilize MR to enhance social presence in such communication.
Drawing on literature from fields including presence and social presence, mixed reality, transnational relationships, and technology for social presence in transnational families, this study employed the Research through Design methodology and paired user testing to create 4 iterative MR prototypes. These prototypes explored secondary research questions and were evaluated using standardized criteria.
The production and documentation of design artifacts, design frameworks, and evaluation frameworks contribute to academic theory, industry design practices, and the transnational community.

Shuting is an interactive experience designer and an MDes candidate in the DF program at OCAD University with a background in graphic design. She is interested in integrating emerging technologies such as MR in storytelling and designing immersive experiences. Her experience working at non-profits fuels her interest in social design.