What's Most Fun: A Framework to Protect Creativity in the Age of Instagram
tabitha fisher
Project Description
The online world offers the tantalizing promise of exposure for a new generation of artists. Instagram culture affects creative practice in numerous ways, but there are complexities to being seen online. Sharing platforms tend to encourage sameness, as this research will show, by reinforcing linear trajectories that commodify the creative self. With a focus on the experience of women in animation, this paper presents a framework to address the developmental needs of the new generation of artists who were raised online. Reflecting on these topics through a series of workshop activities, participants use play as a way to imagine and design their art practice for the digital future.

Tabitha Fisher is an animator, writer, and educator with 13 years of experience in the animation industry. As a Part-Time Faculty member at Sheridan College, Tabitha currently teaches 2D Layout and Short Film Workflow to the 2nd-year students in the Animation Honours BA program. Tabitha is completing an MFA at OCAD University in Digital Futures where her research focuses on the effects of online sharing culture on creativity. In light of the relatively recent and overwhelming influence of Instagram, Tabitha has designed a framework to address the developmental needs of a new generation of artists raised on social media.