Punk Games
punk ethos for change in game making

Vitor Fiacadori


Project Description

Punk Games is a research project about using the DIY punk ethos to enact action in local scenes within the game making field and help provide a sustainable alternative to game making as a practice. The current landscape of the game industry is in crisis and unwelcome to game makers. Going against the construct of the game industry, Punk Games shows alternatives to the game making practice, focusing on a sustainable way for developers to make, distribute and engage in game making as a possible (legitimate?) creative practice. The DIY punk ethos has provided a sustainable framework for art practicing and community making, and such counter-cultural action is needed in today’s game making field. After an analysis of the intersection between DIY punk and game making, three punk games and a zine are created to showcase the DIY punk ethos to propose a change in the current game making field.


I'm a maker and teacher of things, including but not limited to games, design, graphics, animations, experiences, interfaces, art, music and other stuff.