smart cat castle
Exploring the use of AI technology to help owners remotely accompany and care for their cats
yueming gao
Project Description
There are 8.1 million pet cats in Canada. About half of them are domestic cats. Caretakers need to provide domesticated cats with a safe space and daily games that simulate hunting because of cats’ hunting nature, and they should also be mindful of the amount of exercise and food they eat to prevent obesity. However, some carers are too busy with their lives, resulting in them not being able to provide an ideal life for their cats. This thesis project explored how to employ COCO object detection, Arduino, and Internet of Things (IoT) to design for the domestic cat's needs when people aren't at home. The research project iterated on four prototypes: 1) a safe space for cats - the Cat Castle. 2) a smart cat teaser to mimic the hunting game, which uses COCO object detection and Arduino. 3) An auto feeder to encourage cats to exercise more. 4) Integration of the above three prototypes to form an early-stage smart and cat-friendly environment. Finally, the prototype is designed to meet some of the cat's needs, and it can accompany the cat when the carer is not at home. This study can provide some exploratory experience in the animal-computer interaction (ACI) field of research on related topics.

Yueming Gao is a graphic and retail designer currently pursuing a Masters of Design in Digital Futures at OCAD University. She also holds a Master's degree in Graphic Design and Visualization from Loughborough University. With her four years of experience in retail design and VMD planning in the fashion industry, she brings a unique perspective to her work. Yueming is interested in using digital technology to create smart devices that enhance pet care and improve the lives of non-human species. With her extensive work and research experience, she is well-prepared to tackle complex design challenges and bring innovative ideas to life.