Rethinking "Qi" and Tai Chi with Interactive Technologies
Yutong Jessie Zheng
Project Description
Due to the ambiguous nature of the Chinese cultural concept qi (also known as chi), it can be a confusing and misunderstood concept. By expressing qi through sound and haptics with the help of interactive technologies, this thesis project proposes a transcultural design approach based on the postcolonial notions of “Contact Zone” and “Culture Hybridity”, which can potentially rectify some misunderstanding of qi and Tai Chi in a sensual “language” with the aid of interactive technologies. Motion Tracking, haptic technology, machine learning for gesture recognition and sound design have been used in this translation process to provide real time feedback to enable participants to understand qi in an interactive Tai Chi performance. With this work, I hope to open up new opportunities of new media technologies as a bridge of understanding of cultural arts and practices.

Yutong Jessie Zheng is an emerging mixed-media artist with practice in film, animation, and interactive art. She sees herself as a story-teller, constantly trying to find new ways to tell a story through her works conceptually and materially. With an explorative mindset, not only does she like to come up with fun ideas but also she likes to test the boundary of expressiveness of the medium she works with. She is currently exploring the potential of digital fabrication and Virtual Reality to tell stories.